
Review: What We Do in the Light

To say I've been excited for this one is probably an understatement. You know how we all have those authors whose works just click perfectly for us? Stylo Fantôme is totally that author for me. I honestly don't think I could read a single sentence from her without promptly selling my soul to the Satan for the next, if the situation called for it. Thankfully for me, Satan's time is otherwise occupied right now, and I was able to speed through What We Do in the Light without having to sacrifice anything. Well, as long as we're not counting a few hours sleep and the cost of the book!

I've been reflecting all day on this novel, and why I found it to be so different from what I usually expect from Fantôme. I know she's mentioned this instalment causing a little trouble for her, so I wondered at first if that was it. But I think the main difference is that what we really get in What We Do in the Light is a book-long resolvement. Valentine and Aaron spend a large portion of this book separated, and having to work through problems. There's definitely a change of pace from the first book, which I wonder if some readers might find a little disappointing. I personally really loved the new approach from Fantôme! What We Do in the Dark definitely felt like a honeymoon period for our protagonists, and as fun as it was, I don't think it was feasible to give us a sequel that followed that same pattern.

We definitely get our moments of excitement in What We Do in the Light, but the general vibe I got was that it was a book that wasn't afraid to delve a little deeper into the functionality of the relationship. The focus if definitely placed on the characters as individuals, their growth, and whether their relationship is feasible or not. I think it worked well for the story arc, and gave us a chance to get to know the characters more intimately. I definitely left this book with much more understanding of who Ari is and what drives him.

It definitely felt like a structure with a little more risk, in terms of what readers are expecting, and I really appreciated that! I think any good author should be prepared to push their limits a little more, and I feel like Stylo Fantôme really deliver that with this new addition to her listography! All while dropping in the odd moment to remind you not to take it too seriously. First we had that great quote from Bailey about rom-coms, which felt so meta to me! By the end of the book, I felt like we got to not only see Ari and Val grow to learn that being predictable in certain areas of life was okay, but that we also got to see the author's growth with structure, and choosing when to differ from the norm and when to abide to it. Or at least, that was my take!I also want to mention the scene with Madam Zolo, because that felt so meta to me, in the best way! I think it added an interesting element within the narrative, but also gave the reader the insight into the research that went in pre-writing. Definitely one of those moment when you're reminded of how much work went into the book you're holding. And overall a fun addition for the actual storyline too.

The secondary characters were really fun in this instalment too! I've already mentioned Bailey, but I really grew to love her so much more in this book. I think we got to see her grow a little, and I'd be so interested in seeing a short story about her and Devlin, or even a full length novel, if there was content enough there. The same goes for Evans! I felt like we were getting hints at a possible series focused on him? But that would totally be wishful thinking on my part. Bascially, I just want books about the Daniels brothers. Fantôme always seems to have a way to draw me into the secondary characters and leave me wanting more! I'm definitely excited to see if we get to revisit any of these guys and the settings we've grown to love! Will we see more of Caché?

Overall, a really great addition to my e-bookshelf, and definitely a book I'll look into buying a physical copy of! The characters were fun flirty and dirty but didn't lack depth, the plot was strong and the structure overall fresh and gripping! I'm so excited to see what else Stylo Fantôme has in store for us!

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