
Review: No Experience Required

I need to start off by mentioning the branding for No Experience Required is totally off. Let's talk about the blurb first. I read through it a little while back, and didn't bother to do so again before starting the read. But as certain moments in the narrative unfolded, I was left a little confused to find things didn't add up. I found myself returning to the blurb, to double check I hadn't imagined reading it, or misread it altogether. I was reassured, but again confused, to find it as I remembered it. I was more reassured to find that the general consensus is that the blurb is misleading. I won't go into too-specific details, because I don't want to give too much away, but if you;re looking to pick up No Experience Required, take the synopsis with a pinch of salt.

My second issue with the branding is that the cover just doesn't really fit, in my opinion. I appreciate the nods towards An Idiots Guide to Love, and I think the colour palette is fresh and different, but that's about it. I'm sure a lot of it is down to making the cover marketable, but the model doesn't match up with the protagonist which is disappointing. The main problem there is that Izzy is supposed to be 47, and everything about this cover screams 'college' to me.

I suppose though, I can forgive whoever was in charge of cover design, because anyone who's actually read No Experience Required could testify to the fact that Izzy acts her age.. never. Honestly this bothered me more than it should have, because for the longest time I thought it was going to be an important part of the narrative, but ultimately she just acts immature throughout the novel for no definable reason. I think it's one of the main reasons I struggled to connect with Izzy. It was very bizarre to read about a character over twice my own age acting in a way that even I found immature.

I'm overall really disappointed with this one, because I went in very excited. The first few chapters were exciting, and I liked the initial moments between Izzy and Jane. I liked the banter between Izzy and her friends/colleagues, and I was excited to see if she'd be a bit of a modern take on Austen's Emma. Unfortunately no, and I think that only added to my disappointment, although that's on me for going i with certain expectations.

The writing is generally good, but I think the novel needs another round of editing, to really decide what sections are really necessary for the book to work and also keep the reader engaged. Currently I think it has a few issues, especially in terms of some form choices. Its an interesting idea to have sections of An Idiots Guide to Love interspersed withing the novel, which in parts definitely adds to the story. Unfortunately, I think as it stands currently, it overwhelms the narrative, and honestly those sections left me feeling less engaged. I read a couple reviews where people mentioned skimming them, and I have to admit that I found myself doing the same.

I'd be interested to see more from Kimberly Cooper Griffin, because as I mentioned, her writing is overall enjoyable! I think here it was just a little overwhelmed by the plot and serious matters at hand at times. No Experience Required fell short for me, but I can see there's potential in the book, and even moreso in the author's writing itself!

Thank you again to author and publisher for providing an ARC e-copy for honest review.

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