Richly Written is an independently run blog, focused primarily on reviewing books. Please find below a list of frequently asked questions, as well as the blog's review policy. If you're unable to find the answer you were looking for, please forward your question(s) through the 'Contact' tab, or to a listed social media page.
I am currently OPEN to requests. At this time, I am only interested in reviewing the following genres: ROMANCE, PARANORMAL, FANTASY, YOUNG ADULT, NEW ADULT, EROTICA, LGBTQIA+, CHICK LIT, POETRY and GRAPHIC NOVELS.
+/- Do you use a rating system?
I do not currently use a rating system (5 star, etc) on the Richly Written blog. This may be subject to change in the future.
I will, however, rate all books when posting a review to Goodreads, Amazon, and any further sites I may be using at the time the review is posted.
I will, however, rate all books when posting a review to Goodreads, Amazon, and any further sites I may be using at the time the review is posted.
Richly Written receives no monetary compensation for book reviews.
+/- HONESTY (is the best) POLICY
+/- TIME (is of the essence)
With these conditions in mind, if you are interested in requesting a review, please use the contact form located on the 'Contact' page of my blog. There you will also find an outline of what to include within your request.
Thank you for your consideration!